One of the greatest assets anyone can possess in academia is to have strong and logical writing skills. While most writers tend to improve as they continue writing, there are some who continue to make the same mistakes all over again and hence force their writing skills to remain at a halt. Knowing what is expected from your writing is extremely important since then you know exactly what is acceptable and what is not. Let us explore the most common mistakes that are made in while writing that are frequently passed un-tackled.
Be willing to change your draft
Any good piece of college essay writing is not produced in just one go. It is a point of realization that if you have prepared an initial draft, it needs not be your last. Be open to new ideas as they come and revise your first draft in order to make your writing better and refine it as much as you can. Gaining feedback and incorporating other viewpoints will only make your paper or essay more concise and valid thereby giving a feel that a thorough thought process had gone behind its preparation which would leave just the kind of impression you want.
Unconvincing introduction
The main argument that you are endeavoring to make has to be made clear right from the start which is your introductory paragraph. If you fail to engage the reader from the beginning, this will create a weak impression of your entire work even if later on you have managed to cover up. Use strong words that convey a clear meaning instead of making use of sentences that serve in no way to address the main issue at hand.
Informal tone
Writings in academics require a certain formality. Hence, when you are presenting ideas or evidences, make sure to use proper language and tone. One useful tool is to avoid excessive use of pronouns in your writing since they add the informality which you are trying to evade.
Improper format
Keeping an appropriate structure is also crucial since for one it is the requirement for most writings and secondly it makes reading easier. The writing should be divided into sections, each one flowing naturally from the previous so that the whole should make sense and lead to a decisive conclusion. Any piece of writing that is organized properly and contains the right content is indeed a pleasure to read.